What is the delivery time ?

The delivery time may take between 10 to 25 business days if you choose the free shipping method and 7 to 14 business days if you choose the Fast shipping method. please check our Delivery and Shipping Policy for more information:

Delivery and Shipping

Can I return my item ?

Purchases made on Lakshory.com are covered by a 30-day money-back guarantee. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, simply return the item to us in the original packaging within 30 days of receipt.

For more information check our Return and Refund Policy:

Return and Refund Policy

What happens if my item is lost or stolen?

Your package is unlikely to be lost or stolen. If we make sure that your product disappears, we will send you another one as a replacement. However, if the postal service delivers the item to the wrong address or if you have moved or changed your address without notifying us in advance, we can’t do anything to recover your products.

Can I search for items not listed on your site, can you provide them?

If you are looking for replica products that we don’t have on our website. Please click on the contact page and provide us with an image, serial number, or model number of the product. The more details are provided, the easier and faster it will be to locate products in the factory.

What should I do if my tracking number doesn't show anything?

Wait a few days, as an order always takes some time to leave our warehouse and arrive at the local delivery department so they can process your package and register it in your system.

Do I have to pay customs fees or import taxes?

There are no taxes or fees, as we declare the package as a low-value gift, which is partly true. In some situations, the customs department must verify the package and, if it finds that the value of the package is higher than indicated, would request documentation to prove that the price was declared correctly. Our team manages it easily within a few business days.

Is it safe to Purchase from your Store?

If you have questions about buying online, you’re right to be cautious. Here is important information about our store to give you more confidence when shopping with us.

All products you buy on our website are covered by a 30-days money-back guarantee. All products have passed a strict inspection before they leave, and we will have a secondary inspection before shipment. This is an additional level of quality that goes beyond that of the factory.

You will receive the assistance of a friendly English-speaking staff before and after ordering, and you will get full product information and support before you purchase.

Your products are carefully packed and packages are properly labeled and provided with all the necessary documentation to ensure smooth customs clearance in your country.

What is the quality grade of products you sell?

There are two levels of quality of this item: AAA+ quality and 1:1 quality

The difference between them is a small difference in details: 1:1 is the top and the best quality you can get, but the AAA+ is not that bad, it’s very good quality for its prices, low quality, and cheap items are not listed here).

The secret to buying high-quality replicas is quality control. We will check your item carefully before sending it. If you only want the best quality you can accept the price. You must let us know before ordering.

We launched a lot of replica items from another craftsman, so it’s at a different price, maybe there’s a slight difference in the details. The important thing is that the things you received stay the same as our photos.

Still Having Some Questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us right now!

